Agent Kirby Ward

Kirby Ward

Island Consultant

It's Always A Beautiful Day On Bald Head Island!

Kirby joined the WWP team in 2011 after a very successful 20-year  career in real estate in Cary, N.C where he was in the top 2% nationally with Prudential Carolinas Real Estate, winning many awards for his achievements.  In addition to residential sales, he also helped develop and successfully market subdivisions in that area.

A graduate of East Carolina University, he was previously employed with E.I. DuPont de Nemours,  Inc. in Wilmington Delaware as well as with Carolina Power & Light Co. and Prudential Real Estate. Kirby grew up in Rocky Mount, N.C. and has also lived in Media, PA and Stratford, CT.

Kirby was president and a founding member of the The North Carolina Archaeological Society, past president of Friends of North Carolina Archaeology Inc.  and The Archaeological Society of North Carolina.  While living in Clinton, N.C. he was a founding member of the Sampson Co. Home Builders and the Sampson County Civitan Club where he held various offices.  He also served several terms as Senior Warden of St. Paul's Episcopal Church.

In 2010 he moved to Bald Head Island with his wife, Debbie, to become a full-time resident. When Debbie and Kirby visited Bald Head in 1996, they bought property knowing this would someday be home.  He and Debbie have 3 children; Hannah in Venice Beach, California; Tyler in Charlotte, North Carolina; and Michael Kirby in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  They also have three wonderful grandchildren; Jack, Finn and Noah.